Что ждёт молочные продукты в будущем?
Джерело: agropolit.com
Overall in 2016, these products were supplied abroad for 82,8 million US dollars. If the trend continues, there is a good chance to exceed last year's figures.

This year, shipments of frozen beef abroad, whose share in the structure of exports of the specified meat is 74%, increased the most, the remaining 26% accounts for fresh and chilled meat. In value terms, exports of frozen beef increased 2.7 times in comparison with the similar period of 2016 and amounted to 42.3 million US dollars.
The geography of exports of Ukrainian beef is mainly applied to countries of CIS, where was sent 81% of all imports of chilled and frozen meat. The largest share in this group of countries is Belarus — 40%, Azerbaijan — 22% and Kazakhstan - 16%. Another 16% of all deliveries are the countries of Asia, where the main buyers are Iraq and Georgia. The rest of the beef goes to countries in Africa, mostly to Egypt.

For the first half of this year, the average selling price of fresh and chilled beef to the CIS countries amounted to 2.6 US dollars/kg, in Asia — 3.8 US dollars /kg. The average export price of frozen beef for the same period in the CIS countries amounted to about 2.7 US dollars/kg, in Asia — 2.9 US dollars/kg, and Africa - 3.4 US dollars/kg.

The export of live cattle is also increasing. In January-July 2017 shipments of cattle abroad amounted to almost 18 million US dollars, which is 20% more than during the same period last year. The main consumers of these products are Lebanon — 35%, Azerbaijan — 24.4% and Jordan - 18.4%.

Read full article on Dairynews.com.ua

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Что ждет молочные продукты в будущем?

Тенденции на молочном рынке не устают меняться. The DairyNews нашло для вас интересные подробности относительного того, что ждет молочные продукты в будущем.
Чим шкідливе м'ясо новонароджених телят?
Экспорт американских молочных продуктов достиг трёхлетнего максимума