Новый молочный мир: глобальное потепление или холодная война?
Джерело: infagro.com.ua
This is reported about by "INFAGRO". 

The domestic prices went up following the export prices. The beginning of a strategy by a number of leading operators who understand that in the off-season fresh raw milk will be again very expensive also contributed to strengthening the prices. 

Finally, at the end of May, almost nobody pays 50 thousand UAH/t for skimmed milk powder. Most manufacturers ask for such a product 53-58 thousand UAH/t. And it is quite logical, considering that even Western traders began to pay for the product 1700 USD/t. In CIS skimmed milk powder in some cases is sold even for 2000 USD/t.

On the background of rise in price of butter and skimmed milk powder producers of whole milk also decided to increase the price for their products. On the domestic market, whole milk powder is offered at a price about 75 thousand UAH/t, for export it is contracted at 2600-2900 USD/t. For kosher milk importers pay $ 500 more.

In June, the price for whole milk powder will continue to grow, but not as much as for butter.

Despite the rapid decline in prices last month the production of milk powder in Ukraine still significantly increased even in comparison with April of last year. Even then, two dozen plants have started up their drying facilities, and there was produced 4.7 thousand tons of skimmed milk powder (+13% by April 2016). There was produced 715 tons of whole milk powder (+21%). 7 plants were involved in production of such milk.

In May, the production of milk powder may increase up to 6-7 thousand tons, and in June they can dry even up to 10 thousand tons.

Read full article on Dairynews.com.ua

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Николай Мороз, директор департамента продовольствия Министерства аграрной политики и продовольствия Украины, не так давно заявил, что в Украине могут отказаться от молока второго сорта. Вновь. The DairyNews разбирается с тем каким образом на этот раз.
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