Джерело: The DairyNews
According to the press service of the Association "Agrarian Union of Ukraine, this proposal was expressed by the Director of the Fiscal policy department of the Ministry of agrarian policy Bagrat Ahidzhanov during public discussion about distribution order of budgetary funds in 2017.

"On 28 September 2016 the Ministry of agrarian policy through the provision of subsidies to small producers (up to 1000 ha) proposes to reduce the cost of production of niche crops — rye and buckwheat by about 5-6 thousand UAH/ha; to support the livestock industry through cheaper production of fodder crops (green feed) by about 10-12 thousand UAH/ha", — was stated in the message.

The Cabinet of Ministers proposed the Verkhovna Rada to approve the state budget for 2017 taking to account the costs on financial support to agricultural producers in the amount of 2.97 billion UAH, and 300 million for the compensation program of loans for farmers, 75 million UAH — for the state support of development of hop growing, laying young orchards, vineyards and berry-fields, 210 million UAH on support of animal husbandry.

The total amount of costs the Ministry of agrarian policy and food, including the above programs to support agricultural producers, is provided at the level of 7.43 billion UAH, including 4 billion UAH as the amount of costs on the apparatus of the Ministry.

Read full article on Dairynews.com.ua  

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Встреча с конечным потребителем

25 сентября в столице прошёл четвёртый ежегодный фестиваль «Всеукраинский день молока и сыра». На Певческом поле, где проходило мероприятие, свою продукцию представили компании из разных регионов Украины. Основная цель фестиваля — популяризация здорового образа жизни, в частности — употребление полезных молочных продуктов.