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This opinion was expressed by the Head of Board of public organization "All-Ukrainian Association of protection of consumer rights "Consumer confidence" Maxim Gonchar at a press conference in the News Agency, VoiceUA.

"We have information from reliable sources — we now pass it to Ukrainian Security Service: manufacturers of dairy products use technical fats. Technical fats come to Ukraine in such volumes that you can lubricate everything that is possible for a few years", — said the expert.

According to him, the import of this product comes from Holland, as well as through offshore companies at the Virgin Islands.

However, M. Gonchar stressed that the situation with unlimited use of vegetable and technical fats in the manufacture of products in Ukraine is adjusted a little by the increase of the exchange rate, which makes such purchases less affordable.

At the same time, according to him, the Ukrainian laboratories today are almost not able to detect such falsification due to the lack of necessary funds.

Read full article on Dairynews.com.ua

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